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Introduction to Fit Fits

Updated: May 26, 2021

Just thought for my first blog post, before talking about the trends and styles you'll be wearing while working out, it’s important to talk about feeling good before we talk about looking good. I chose to create this blog as I’d love to be a help to people with a similar mindset and the same interests as me, and this way I can weave my two biggest interests together and create a platform to do that. I’ve been studying Fashion since 2016, starting my Fashion Communication & Promotion degree in 2018. This blog will primarily be focused on the upcoming menswear trends and styles, and I’ve chosen menswear over womenswear as I think it'd be great to learn along the way myself, and giving you a female perspective could be interesting for you, too. I've also chosen specifically to focus on activewear, as I’m also passionate about fitness and wellbeing.

I’m guessing from clicking on my blog that you’re interested in these things too. This first post is just going to be a little one, I think it’s important to identify the importance of a healthy mind over a healthy body.

I've learnt over the years that always having something to work on is a real true integral part to being happy. In my opinion, we should be setting time aside to be developing something in our lives, I think that's why busy people say they're ‘too busy to be worrying about things' a lot of the time. There's a difference between wanting to actually be happier and just wanting to remain alright, as you are.

What I'm trying to get across is this, think about your life, your current situation... Are you working hard towards a better one, a better state or have you fallen into the unsteady ground of perceived maintenance? I could be wrong, but if I was to not have something I could be bettering, I'd feel a bit lost, a bit of despair. I have a theory, that people who have nothing to work on, nothing to keep them busy can quite easily become unhappy. That doesn't mean that ALL people with nothing to develop are unhappy. But that it's an unexplainable reason to most as to why they feel like they've lost their spark.

The best advice I could give before starting up this blog is to be working on yourself, not just for a few months, but for the rest of your life. And Fit Fits will give you fashion advice to be doing that! If you look good, you’ll feel good; you’ll be confident and just live a better life.

The best bit is, I think when you really get stuck into this self-development project, you're going to find a lot of happiness doing it, as a by-product.

Up to you.


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